Measure with efficiency

OpTS is an innovative strain-gauge based solution for measuring Torque, RPM, and Power on rotating shafts. Its compact, wireless design, combined with its extended autonomy of up to 2 years, makes it ideal for long-term installations in confined spaces.







What ?

OpTS is a tool that allows precise shaft power measurement using state-of-the-art sensors.
It features a high-precision gyroscope for RPM measurement.

How ?

The shaft-mounted collar and the receiver communicate wirelessly and are battery-operated, which means fewer cables to manage.

The only cabled connection is between the receiver and the OpHMI monitoring system or a third-party data acquisition system.

Who ?

The industrial maritime and mining sectors.


A pre-cabled strain gauge greatly accelerates the installation process.

RPM is measured through an internal high-speed gyro rather than an external RPM pickup, one less piece of hardware to worry about installing.

The stand-alone clamp-on collar assembly requires no base mount. This eliminates the need for custom mounting brackets or on-site welding.

Cutting-edge features

Do you want to know more? Contact us today